Easter Day - Rector's Rambling for March 27, 2016
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
The Lord is Risen indeed!
After a long Lent, it is with great joy that we proclaim the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
That first Easter was one of fear and unknowing, which was then overcome by witness and acknowledgement in seeing Jesus alive after His crucifixion on Good Friday. The last thing Mary Magdalen expected to see was an empty tomb as we hear in John’s Gospel. In Mark’s Gospel, as depicted on our super-reredos over the altar in the church, the Marys too were astonished to see an angel announcing Jesus’ resurrection. But it would be later in John’s Gospel where we hear about Mary Magdalen encountering the Lord and thinking at first He is the gardener, and the surprise and awe of Jesus appearing to the groups of disciples in the Upper Room later that day.
The Book of Common Prayer has special readings for Holy Communion assigned for Monday and Tuesday this week, with the account of the disciples encountering Jesus on the road to Emmaus the day of His resurrection, and Luke’s account of Jesus’ appearance to the disciples in the Upper Room. Next Sunday we hear John’s account of that same encounter. The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer cover more extensively the various narratives of these events. I highly recommend that you read these accounts this week to get the fullest of the story of Jesus’ resurrection appearances. As always, the reading of the Bible is highly recommended for encouragement and our learning.
Just as Lent was 40 days, so too Easter is 40 days long. We will continue to celebrate with extra “Alleluias” until the Feast of the Ascension on May 5. Long after the marshmallow peeps are gone, and chocolates devoured, we should continue in the joy of this great celebration. Jesus has conquered sin and death! Thanks be to God!