Sunday Parking on Tiger Game Days - Rector's Rambling for April 24, 2016
This Sunday we get to experience our first Tiger Baseball Sunday of 2016, and you may notice some changes to traffic patterns around St. John’s.
Last year it was M-1 Rail work that was our biggest challenge. The Fisher Freeway Service Drive has been closed for 9 months already, and we have watched as Montcalm to the south has been intermittently closed. Baseball or no baseball, when the crew needed to work on the intersection they closed it and sent us scurrying a few blocks north or south to double back to the church parking lot.
The service drive intersection just to the north of the church building is due to be re-opened by our next Tigers home-stand on May 8. We will then have access to the parking lot (at least until August) through both sides of the lot; Service Drive and Montcalm. In August, the construction of our new drop off area will briefly interrupt access to the lot from the service drive, but the Montcalm entrance will remain open.
Please note a few important things about St. John’s and events at Comerica Park. First, Montcalm Street on game day Sundays will close completely at 11:00 AM. Be sure to get to church in time for the 10:00 AM service (if you are coming in at 11 you are REALLY late anyway). On other days, such as Saturday games or Thursday games, Montcalm will be completely closed four hours before the game. If you need to get to the church on a weekday, for the office or for weekday worship, you will have enter off Elizabeth Street, two blocks to the south, and then come toward the church through the two other lots.
Finally, just because you are a member of St. John’s (and we are thankful that you are) you do not get to park in the lot for Comerica Park, Ford Field, or Fox Theatre events. We have leased the property to Olympia Development. We have use of the lot for our Church services and other business, but when an event is being held, it is all theirs to use. Please do not attempt to get into the lot because “I am a member of St. John’s” when we are not holding an event at St. John’s.
Before long the construction on the garage will be done and we will have it to use as well.