Treasure hunt - Rector's Rambling for September 24, 2023
What a busy weekend this has been here at St. John’s with our Trash to Treasure Sale. Thank you to Debbie Swain, Chris Golembiewski, and all the ladies who set up, priced and worked the sale days. It is a remarkable labor of love (although in the middle of it they may not have used those words….). Events like this not only provide funds for the various St. Catherine’s Guild ministries, but also builds comradery among the participants. Kudos to everyone who pitched in. The sale continues this morning downstairs in the Undercroft.
In addition to the treasures being sold, on Friday we had Food Trucks in the lot to attract people from the local offices and new housing in the area. There has been some thought that this is something we should consider doing on something of a regular basis, having the Church open as well, perhaps an organist playing a concert of maybe a bounce house for the kids living nearby. It is a challenge for us to get people who are around us to interact with the parish, as God opens their hearts join us in worship and faith.
Speaking of Faith….we are a little more than a week away from the beginning of The Alpha Course! 10 Tuesday nights of dinner and discussion on topics about our Lord and His Church. This wonderful program out of Holy Trinity Church, Brompton, in London, is a God-send for the church at large to introduce inquirers to the faith, and to re--vitalize current members as well. If you have not taken Alpha I would love to see you take it! Sign up today and give it a few weeks try!
The next few Sundays have the interment of Ronald and Patricia Pike’s cremated remains in our columbarium, a 50th Wedding Anniversary renewal of vows for The Monacos, and then our Homecoming Sunday Luncheon. Mark your calendar and be sure you plan on being here to participate in the worship, to be fed in Word and Sacrament, and to be encouraged in the fellowship of the church...and to be an encouragement to others just by being here!