Sunday Next Before Advent - Rector's Rambling for November 26th, 2023
This year we have what seems like an odd occurrence. Advent DOES NOT begin on the Sunday after Thanksgiving! Most years it does, but not this year! Advent begins next week.
Advent is always the 4 Sundays before Christmas. This year with 5 Thursdays in November, the Thanksgiving Holiday is early. It is always 4th Thursday, which this year is the 23rd, the earliest it can be is the 22nd of November.
This also means that this year not only do we start Advent on December 3rd, but the 4th Sunday of Advent is ALSO the same day as Christmas Eve! In the morning of December 24th, we will have the 4th Sunday of Advent Services at 8 AM and 10 AM, and we will have them both in the Chapel as Low Mass (no music). We then return in the evening for 4 PM Children’s Service, 8:30 PM Carol Prelude, and 9 PM Choral Candlelight Mass. Christmas Day, we will have Mass at 11 AM. Mark those calendars now and start inviting people to join us!!! In 2024 we have a leap year which pushes back Thanksgiving to the end of November (28th) and Christmas Eve pushed back to Tuesday evening.
Despite Advent’s late start, we are getting in lots of opportunities to prepare! Advent Tea is this Saturday, and the Lighting of the Garden Tree next Sunday evening,. The Giving Tree, Christmas Bazaar, Mitten Tree, Cookie Walk and Advent Soup Luncheon, the pre-greening and greening of the Church are all on the agenda now and in the coming weeks!
Of course, the most important thing you can do from now through Christmas is to renew your faith, attend worship EVERY Sunday, and dive deeply into the reasons for Advent! Not only will we be preparing for the coming Christmas Feast, but also for Jesus’ return in glorious majesty to judge both the quick and the dead!
Let’s enjoy our Sunday Next before Advent and be ready to get to work next week for the new Church year.