St. Patrick's day at WJR
I had a great time this morning at The "emerald" tower of the Fisher Building here in Detroit for the WJR St. Patrick's Day Party!
My dad used to work for ABC Radio, and he remembers these parties in the 1970's and 1980's that were a lot more rauchous! Now it is pretty tame, with coffee and snack served instead of an open bar!
I enjoyed speaking with many people there, including Fr. Russ Kohler at Most Holy Trinity, Heather
Carmona at the Woodward Ave. Action Association, fellow DAC Beaver Marv Burke (who worked at ABC TV when my dad was at the radio side), the presidents of the Parade Company and The Historic Museum in Detroit, and Fr. Richard Ingalls, Jr. from the Mariner's Church.
From WJR I had a chance to chat with Ann Thomas (producer for the Paul W. Smith Show), weatherman John McMurray (who said to say hello to dad), Steve Courtney the sports guru and fill in host when Paul and others are away, investment advisor Ron Humanny (found out we have a friend in common, DAC Beaver Mike LeVan) and of course host Paul W. Smith (pictured here), who is also a fraternity brother of yours truly (he was a Psi U at Michigan in the 1970's, I was at Pennsylvania in the 1980's).
I had a couple of cups of Decaf coffee (gave up the caffeine for Lent), and got a pin and coffee cup for my collection (now my 6th year in a row), and had a wonderful time.
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