Annotated Study Bible
This past Sunday I recommended in my sermon that people not only own a bible, but actually open it and read it! And I also recommend that people get an annotated study bible to help them to learn scripture.
A parishioner emailed for a recommendation. This is what I use. It is the New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha, expanded edition, and ecumenical study Bible, REVISED STANDARD VERSION. It is also known as the RSV bible.
I avoid the NEW Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible, since the NEW is a purposeful removal of gender specific language, even in places where the hebrew/greek is specific.
This is not the end all/be all of bibles (and for regular reading and memorizing I prefer the Authorized Version of the Bible - AKA King James Bible), but it is the one I have used since returning to the practice of the faith, through seminary, and to this day.
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