Rector's Rambling - April 15, 2012 - Low Sunday
Last Sunday, after having lunch with my family, I settled into a lazy afternoon watching the Detroit Tigers on television, and of soaking in the glory of such a wonderful morning of worship. Holy Week is always spiritually intense, and preparations for worship is not only theological, but also involves a lot of work from many people. I want to thank everyone who was involved in preparations including office staff, music department, altar guild, ushers, servers, and coffee hour volunteers. Many hours were devoted to make all things come together for the glorious offerings from Palm Sunday through Easter Day. As I mused upon the wonderful worship of Easter Day, I thought of all the elements that made it so great: the feast day itself, the music, the decorations, the joyful spirit. But what really made the day shine was the number of people in the pews, twice the number of people who attend on a “normal” Sunday. Many parishioners introduced me to guests, neighbors, and family, whom they invited and brought to Church. We also have friends of the parish who attend elsewhere closer to home, but join us for the big feast days, as well some new faces who discovered us via Internet, print and radio advertising, or by reputation. My guess is that as you are reading this, there aren’t as many people in the pews today as last week. But if we continue to be faithful to our Lord, and persistent in inviting our friends and family to join us week after week, we will grow as a parish family. How great would it be to have the pews that full every Sunday? More people praying together, more people singing together, more people coming together in fellowship. May it be so!
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