Ephphratha Episcopal Mission - Rector's Rambling for September 7, 2014
This morning we hear of the healing of the man who was deaf, and had an impediment of speech. Jesus performs the healing with the command Ephphatha, which means “be opened”.
This reading, and that phrase, holds a special place in the heart of St. John’s. For over 100 years St. John’s was the host of the Ephphratha Episcopal Mission of Detroit.
By the 1920’s St. John’s had seven Sunday Services, two of which were held in sign language. At 11am while the rest of the congregation worshipped in the main sanctuary the Ephphratha Mission worshiped in the chapel. In the afternoon there was also a 3pm Evening Prayer service. Many of the staff and members were graduates of the Michigan School for the Deaf in Flint, which continues to this day.
By the 1970s the mission congregation’s size had dwindled, and those few remaining members attended the larger congregational service with a sign language interpreter. In 2001 the last remaining member of the congregation, Elizabeth Prescont Weber Walker, died She had been wife and granddaughter of two of St. John’s Senior Wardens.
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