Piety Hill Musings

The ramblings of the Rector of St. John's Church in the city of Detroit. Piety Hill refers to the old name for our neighborhood. The neighborhood has changed a great deal in the over 165 years we have been on this corner (but not our traditional biblical theology) and it is now known for the neighboring theatres, the professional baseball and football stadiums and new hockey/basketball arena.

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Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Monday, August 22, 2016

Construction update - Rector's Rambling for August 21, 2016

As we move deeper into summer with fall just around the corner, I wanted to give an update on the construction situation in and around St. John’s.
As you can see behind the church, construction continues on the parking garage.  The foundations are mostly set, and soon the remaining asphalt will be removed and a cement base floor poured.  Once that is done, three important aspects of that project will get underway. The garage will start to go up as pre-fabricated portions are delivered via flatbed truck, and then put in place with cranes.  This “erector set”-style build will begin at the end closest to us, moving backward toward John R. Street.  Also, what was Witherell Street, will be rebuilt and eventually re-opened between Montcalm and the freeway service drive.  This street will become the access to our drop-off and weekday parking area, as well as the access to the parking garage for Sunday services.  And by the end of September, construction will begin on that turn-around/drop-off/weekday parking area directly behind the office building.  Throughout all this project activity, access to our parking lot will be maintained via Montcalm Street.
Even closer to home, construction will soon begin on a new entrance design to the area that is referred to as the “garden door”.  This is the door on the southwest corner of the building, in the garden, closer to Woodward, that goes right into the narthex (church lobby).  As of now, when you step out of the door, you step down immediately.  The new entry will have you step out onto a porch at church level, which will then give the option of stairs down to the sidewalk, or a handicapped ramp running along the side of the building.  This work will give us direct handicapped access to the church building, which will be especially helpful as we consider renovations to the office building that may temporarily remove that accessibility.  Plans will be posted in the undercroft.
These are exciting times at St. John’s, and we want to keep you abreast of pending construction as plans are finalized.