Piety Hill Musings

The ramblings of the Rector of St. John's Church in the city of Detroit. Piety Hill refers to the old name for our neighborhood. The neighborhood has changed a great deal in the over 165 years we have been on this corner (but not our traditional biblical theology) and it is now known for the neighboring theatres, the professional baseball and football stadiums and new hockey/basketball arena.

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Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Evangelism - Rector's Rambling for March 14, 2021

     I know that the idea of being an evangelist makes most Episcopalians nervous.  The image of Billy Graham preaching to a stadium of people, or the person on the street corner wearing a sandwich board and asking passers-by “are you saved?”, feels downright un-Anglican.

But we are all called as members of the Body of Christ to share the Good News – to be evangelists.  And there are many ways that you can do that without being the public spectacle of the two examples above.  Evangelism is about relationship: both your relationship with Jesus and your relationship with others.  I hope that you are “not ashamed of the gospel” (Romans 1:16) and that as your love for Jesus grows you will want to share Him with others.

There are many ways to open up an opportunity to share with others about faith in Jesus.  When you hear someone is in need, pain, about to have surgery, etc, offer to pray for them.  “I will be praying for you” and then follow up with them in a day or two to see how it is going.  Or if you are comfortable, pray a quick prayer for them right on the spot.

This sort of thing opens up an avenue for them to see that you believe in Jesus and in the power of prayer, and may open their hearts to hear the Good News.

Another way to introduce friends to Jesus is through social media.  Once or twice a week share a St. John’s Morning Meditation or Lenten Lesson and say, “I found that ______ on this video was helpful or challenging for me”.  Putting the video on your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter feed may be the way the person hears the Good News.

Remember that our motto is, to Know Christ and to Make Him Known.  It is two sides of the same coin!  Let us learn more and share more!