He is Risen Indeed! - Rector's Rambling for March 31, 2024
Christ is Risen!
The Lord is Risen
Indeed! Alleluia!
After a long Lent of looking at our sins, and being reminded of God’s mercy and forgiveness, we come to the big day! Jesus Christ, having been sacrificed on the Cross for our sins has now risen from the dead! We rejoice with resounding Alleluia and celebration.
Sunday after Sunday, we look at the remarkable super-reredos in the church, that wonderful mosaic high above the altar, and see it for its beauty and artistic merit. But more than that, it is a weekly reminder of today’s celebration. There, recorded for us in gold leaf and colored stones is a mosaic re-creation of Ella Condi Lamb’s painting depicting the angel of the Lord greeting the three Mary’s who went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus.
But instead of finding Jesus, they came upon an empty tomb.
We will be celebrating Easter for the next 40 days. It only seems fair that if Lent was 40 days then so should be Easter. On the 40th day we celebrate Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. This year that 40th day is Thursday, May 9th. The next day we begin our nine day prayer intention, known as a Novena, in preparation for the great celebration of the gift of the Holy Ghost, known as Whitsunday, or Pentecost. During those days we will be praying for the gifts of the Holy Ghost, that they be renewed in His Church and on us as a congregation.
Sunday worship, weekday worship, and lots of activities are scheduled at St. John’s. On April 21st we have a baby shower in support of Pregnancy Aid. The last Sunday of April we have our parish outing to the Tigers game, May 5th is our ingathering in support of the Church in Malawi, and June 2nd we will be welcoming our community outreach partners which we support.
We are blessed to have a Risen
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