Piety Hill Musings

The ramblings of the Rector of St. John's Church in the city of Detroit. Piety Hill refers to the old name for our neighborhood. The neighborhood has changed a great deal in the over 165 years we have been on this corner (but not our traditional biblical theology) and it is now known for the neighboring theatres, the professional baseball and football stadiums and new hockey/basketball arena.

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Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Monday, June 17, 2024

Progress report - Rector's Rambling for June 16, 2024

     Last week in this column I wrote about the beginning of summer and the different ‘busy’ of events going on at and around St. John’s.  Although the regular programming of the various guilds and organizations goes on hiatus, we are busy with activities such as this week’s concert on Thursday, next week’s Daughters of the King institution, baptisms the following week, the St. Michael’s Conference for Youth in July and Founders Day.

Today I wanted to do a quick 2024 update of what has been done so far, and were we are on the budget.

In the Christian Education department Sunday School has begun its hiatus but added Melody Huffer to the team to play the piano at the beginning of class.  We finished our Sunday Alpha Course as well.  We experimented this time by having the Alpha Course on Sunday after the 10 AM Service. A key component of the evening session is the weekly dinner together at the beginning to build comradery, but we didn’t want to pull people away from Coffee Hour nor stay too late into the afternoon, so we did a light lunch while watching the video.  It was well attended, with people adding in as the weeks went on as well.  A decision will be made soon about the fall class schedule.

The long-awaited curb and historic fence restoration project on the freeway side of the building had been completed. The exterior doors were refinished and the Woodward fencing and handrails were repainted as well.  We still await the new Historic Building sign arrival. 

A bit of big news is that the loan for the construction of the Burton Ministry Center has now been paid in full, saving us the yearly interest and fees on the loan.  The renovation of the ministry center and undercroft began in January 2018 and was finished November 2019.

Thank you for your continued generosity in supporting the ministry of St, John’s Church.  Pledge and other donations continue slightly above projections, but summer tends to bring a slow down in giving.  If you are going to be away for a period of time this summer you can mail in your collection envelope, or donate online, to help keep us up to date.