Piety Hill Musings

The ramblings of the Rector of St. John's Church in the city of Detroit. Piety Hill refers to the old name for our neighborhood. The neighborhood has changed a great deal in the over 165 years we have been on this corner (but not our traditional biblical theology) and it is now known for the neighboring theatres, the professional baseball and football stadiums and new hockey/basketball arena.

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Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Monday, February 24, 2025

24 years as Rector - Rector's Rambling for February 23, 2025

     Twenty-four years ago this weekend I stepped up to the altar, and into the pulpit, for the first time as the Rector of St. John’s Church.  What an blessing and adventure these 24 years have been.

The opening of Comerica Park occurred the spring before I arrived.  The change in the neighborhood with the new stadium, the increase of the revenues of the parish from baseball parking income, and the installation of a new bishop for the diocese who was willing to allow St. John’s to continue as a traditional Anglican parish all came together with God whispering to me that I was finished in my last parish and should be open to a new call.  On January 5th, 2001 the Vestry formally offered me the call to be your rector and my family moved here 7 weeks later to begin this ministry.

In the first months of my arrival a large stone fell off the building, forcing us to do a $380,000  ‘deferred maintenance’ project of facade and roof repairs.  Since then we have had several large renovation projects which included heating upgrades, new signage, awnings and ironwork, landscaping, stained glass restoration and protection, and complete rebuild of the ministry center and undercroft.  In between we have had many other small and medium sized projects as well!  The building always needs attention and upgrades to be used to the greater glory of God!

Ministry opportunities continue to  present themselves in the neighborhood, especially through our Outreach Committee’s work with organizations in the community.  What a blessing this has been to us.

We have also had the spiritual challenges that came along with the attack on 9/11, the housing-financial crisis of 2008, City of Detroit Bankruptcy in 2013 and more recently the challenges of Covid lockdown and the spiritual damage done as a result. 

I am humbled to have the opportunity in 24 years to baptize, marry, and administer the burial prayers for so many.  Since my arrival we have had 271 baptisms, 96 weddings, and 132 burials.  Over 7,000 times on Sundays and weekdays the Holy Communion has been consecrated and distributed. 

God willing I look forward to many more milestones here on the corner of Woodward and I-75!