Piety Hill Musings

The ramblings of the Rector of St. John's Church in the city of Detroit. Piety Hill refers to the old name for our neighborhood. The neighborhood has changed a great deal in the over 165 years we have been on this corner (but not our traditional biblical theology) and it is now known for the neighboring theatres, the professional baseball and football stadiums and new hockey/basketball arena.

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Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Friday, December 16, 2022

4th Sunday in Advent - Rector's Rambling for December 18, 2022

So close, so very close.  Next Sunday is the Feast of the Nativity, with our grand celebration on the Eve as well as the Day of Christmas.  Be sure to check the schedule of services so you know when you will be here.  Thankfully the Detroit Lions are away for their game on Saturday evening, and we will have plenty of room for parking in our lot!

As you begin your last week of Advent, a discipline I would encourage is for you to invite five families to the Christmas Eve service at St. John’s.  Think about who you know you would like to see come to Church at St. John’s; family, friends, neighbors, co-workers.  Those five (or more) are the ones you need to actively invite to Church this Christmas Eve.

What do I mean by actively invite?  Approach them, or call them, and say, “Hey, ______, I was just thinking of you and was wondering where are you going to attend a Christmas Eve service this year?”  If there is any hesitation of an answer, begin again, “We go to a great church downtown called St. John’s.  We love it there and go there because ___________ (fill in your reasons) and there is no place that has a more beautiful Christmas Eve service.  I would love to have you (and your family) come down to the 8:30/9:00 service” (or to see the Pageant at 4:00 PM if you are going then).  Offer them a ride if you have room, or to follow you down in their own car.

There are many un-churched or nominally-church people who look to attend a Christmas Eve service.  Take advantage of that desire and invite them to St. John’s.  There are a few “regulars” around here whose first experience of St. John’s was a Christmas Eve Service.  You may be the person God is using to bring them into a deeper relationship with himself through St. John’s Church.

Some will say no, others will hesitate.  But pray for them and keep cheerfully offering and asking them to join us, even after Christmas.  God may be working on them through you.