Rocket Club
When not 'doing theology' or other pastoral things, or coaching Andrew's baseball, I like to steal away with my oldest son, Sam, to fire off some rockets at the Jackson Model Rocketry Club launches. It is GREAT fun. Sam is a real rocket genius (as anyone at
St. John's who has engaged him in a conversation about them can attest), and at the launches I am basically known as Sam's dad, or Sam's driver.
Here are some pictures from the launch, taken by Eldred Pickett. Eldred lives by us on the east side, but also drives all the way out to Jackson to launch. But he launches the really big rockets, with lots of power, electronics, etc. Sam can't wait to be 18 to begin being certified for the High Powered Rockets!
That is a picture of Sam gettting ready for a launch, and his rocket taking off from the launch pad. Also, here is a picture of Eldred with one of his BIG rockets! That is Scott with him. Scott is the grand pooh-bah of the JMRC, or so it seems to Sam and me.
One nice thing about the rocket launches is that it is not only great to send off these rockets and retrieve them (usually), but the folks who are there are really great, and it for Sam - it is a great opportunity to 'talk shop' with others who understand his passion for Rockets.
For info on the JMRC go to
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