Piety Hill Musings

The ramblings of the Rector of St. John's Church in the city of Detroit. Piety Hill refers to the old name for our neighborhood. The neighborhood has changed a great deal in the over 165 years we have been on this corner (but not our traditional biblical theology) and it is now known for the neighboring theatres, the professional baseball and football stadiums and new hockey/basketball arena.

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Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Monday, April 09, 2007

Good Friday article about my successor in Charleroi

From The Valley Independent, about the annual Good Friday breakfast talk by my successor, Fr. Ilgenfritz.

CARROLL TOWNSHIP - "All of us can find times in our lives when we had no control," the Rev. William Ilgenfritz told people attending the 45th annual Mon Valley YMCA Good Friday breakfast.
"But we can find comfort in knowing that God is in control."
Even on Good Friday, when everything seemed out of control and it was hard to find something good about it, Jesus was in control, the pastor of St. Mary Episcopal Church in Charleroi said.
On Good Friday, Ilgenfritz noted, Peter denied Jesus and other apostles ran away when Jesus was arrested. Jesus later was struck by a soldier without provocation, and he is ultimately crucified.
"All of the events take place and they seem far from good," Ilgenfritz said. "We wonder how all of this madness got started."
Ilgenfritz said that while Adam and Eve committed the first sin in the Garden of Eden, Jesus was obedient in the Garden of Gestamine, accepting death on the cross.
"His obedience brought us salvation and that was very good news," Ilgenfritz said.
During his life, Jesus cured the sick, fed the hungry and raised people from the dead.
Although Peter, James and John fell asleep in the Garden of Gestamine and the apostles fled when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, Ilgenfritz said don't judge them too harshly. He noted that we often fall short when we sin.
He said the soldiers expected confrontation in the Garden, but were met with calm by Jesus.
Wielding his sword in the Garden of Gestamine, Pete cut off the ear of a servant of a high priest, Ilgenfritz noted.
"I think Peter's sword is a symbol of his rebellion against the will of God," Ilgenfritz said.
Even though Pontius Pilot knew Jesus was innocent, he turned him over to be crucified.
"Pilot was not in control, but evil never is," Ilgenfritz said.
Those who condemned Jesus did not see him as the Son of God.
"Jesus was the Messiah and he was headed toward his final victory on the cross," Ilgenfritz said.
The events of Good Friday ultimately led to those of Easter, Ilgenfritz said. In the Garden of heaven, there is no more death, sorrow or tears, Ilgenfritz said.
"The crucifixion leads us to the resurrection and salvation, Ilgenfritz said. "So today is in fact a very good day for us."