St. Michael's Conference for Youth - photos
What a wonderful week it was last week at the St. Michael's Conference for Youth here in Michigan! As I noted in an email to the parish, it was the best week of the 12 St. Mike's I have done!
We were in a new location, Manresa Retreat Center in Bloomfield Hills, MI and although I had some reservations before hand (single rooms only and strange "flow" to the facility) it worked out very nicely! The Confrere's were attentive and positive, and the worship glorious. The Chapel was not ideal (not great accustics, and the layout a less than ideal due to the long narrow footprint without much room in the wasn't designed for Solemn High Mass). But we made the most of it. My father was a trustee for this Jesuit Retreat Center for many years, and it was a real honor celebrating Communion at the altar where my father attended daily Mass for many years!
So what is St. Mike's about? Here it is in pictures....
The first picture, of course, is of the Friday morning Solemn High Mass. The Mass was done with all the trappings - THE Utmost for His Highest (with apologies to Owald Chambers for the title). There is no sermon though -that is reserved for Evensong.
After breakfast there are three classes with lunch in the middle of class number 2 and 3. Note St. John's parishioners Lance Johnson and Eliot Erlandson in the back right corner of the photo! This was my PALEGAS class (the seven deadly sins).
Pictured here is Fr. Kenneth Jaggs, Rector of St. George's Church,
After dinner there are discussion groups on current topics and how we approach them as Catholic Christians in the Anglican Tradition.
In the evening there is an activity, ranging from Talent Show to Square Dancing.
The day ends with some free time to wind down and optional attendance at Compline (the night office) before bed.
Here is the St. John's contingent. Eliot, Lance, Larissa, and Fr. Kelly. There are at least three more who have said they are coming next year, including my oldest son, Sam! (the age group is 12 to 20). It is hard to imagine that he is old enough...when I started working at this St. Mike's (Midwest) I was a priest in Pennsylvania and Sam was 2!
The faculty lines up in the hallway outside the chapel after the closing ceremony to hug everyone good-bye. There is hardly a dry eye in the place! Even those who come with great reservation (usually strongly encouraged by their parish priest and parents), can't believe it is over and can't wait until next year.
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